Once the seed has germinated it's ready to be sown into your soil.
Follow along this guide to learn how to properly sow your seed for it to get a good start.
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Keep it simple, no extra nutrients added in the soil.
If you want more control, Light·Mix provides the ideal foundation for encouraging vigorous growth in
Extra drainage and protection from water left in saucer.
Clay pebbles are lightweight and porous balls that are mixed with your soil, they hold air in them a
Cover the bottom of the pot with 1 layer of clay pebbles.
Rinse them to remove clay dust and debris.
Check that the pot drains well.
Mix your soil with some water to get it humid, you want it to stay soil-like, not turn to mud.
Fill your pot and tamp the soil.
Leave a little space before reaching the top of the pot, that will help prevent water from overflowing when watering.
Use your finger or a pen to make a hole in the soil 1/2in - 1.5cm deep (about 1 fingernail).
Carefully place the seed with the root pointing downwards and the top of the shell barely covered at the surface.
Keep the soil moist and wait a couple of days for your seed to sprout :)
Seedlings thrive at high RH >60% - if your RH is low; a humidity dome could help out until it sprouts. Use a clear plastic cup or the bottom of a plastic bottle.