How to customize

the SuperGreenBox

Author: SuperGreenLab
Credit: SuperGreenLab

Welcome to the wonderful world of open-source.
Where instead of multiple pre-designed models, you can make your own custom model from the sources!
“Wtf?” you might think. Well that’s what we’re going to see with this tutorial.
In short: you can download the plans on the website for free, those are for the “default” SGBox as seen in the video.
Thing is those plans have been generated from a 3d design tool, which is here:
You will first need to create a free account here:
Make sure you choose the right units on account creation, so mm for Lengths units, Degree for Angle units, and Kilogram for Mass units.
Then click the "Make a copy to edit" button top left corner of the sgbox design document.
And in this design tool, you will find a few parameters that you can change to customize the dimensions of various parts of the SGBox.

Useful links

What you'll need

Selected region:
Click to change

SuperGreenBox hardware kit BY SuperGreenTomato

From SuperGreenTomato EU

All you need to build your SuperGreenBox. Except the laser cut parts.

All you need to make your own SuperGreenBox, except the w


*converted to local currency

Variables: how it works

Author: SuperGreenLab
Credit: SuperGreenLab

Variables: how it works

Now how do we change the parameters? Through variables.
Variables are just values you can change to re-generate your new SGBox.
Variables can be anything from width, height or even material thickness.
In the design document you will find a tab called “globals”, if you open it you will discover a probably scary block of code.
Hopefully we only care about a few lines that are quite self-explanatory.
To see your change happen live, open another browser tab, and open the document at “assemblies/assembly-all-visible”.
Every time you save your changes with ctrl+s or by pressing the “Commit” button, the 3d assembly will update.

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Variable list

Author: SuperGreenLab
Credit: SuperGreenLab

Variable list

Ok so here’s the list of variables we have access to as of now:

  • Width
  • Height
  • thicknessBig
  • thicknessSmall
  • thicknessBase
  • plantHoleWidth
  • doorFrameHorizontalMargin
  • doorFrameTopMargin
  • doorFrameBottomMargin
  • doorHorizontalInnerEdge
  • doorVerticalInnerEdge
  • verticalHolesSpacing
  • nVerticalHoles
  • verticalHolesOffset
    So that’s already a bit, let's break them down in the following steps.
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Box size

Author: SuperGreenLab
Credit: SuperGreenLab

Box size

The first and easiest to change are width and height.
Those are obvious, they control the outer width and height of the box.
Make sure to take the height of the wheels into account when calculating the total height of the box.

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Material thickness

Author: SuperGreenLab
Credit: SuperGreenLab

Material thickness

The next parameter we can deal with is the material thickness.
Changing the thickness is useful when your material is not the default 3 and 6mm MDF.
But also if you want to do something bigger or smaller, using the default thicknesses might not be the best.

  • thicknessBig: That’s the thickness of the thicker mdf, by defaults it’s 6mm. This one is used for the whole structure.
  • thicknessSmall: Default is 3mm, used for the doors and a few smaller parts.
  • thicknessBase: Default is 6mm, that’s the thickness of the base plate that holds everything.
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Plant hole width

Author: SuperGreenLab
Credit: SuperGreenLab

Plant hole width

After adjusting the size you might need to adjust the size of the hole in the plant plate.
You can do so by adjusting the plantHoleWidth variable.

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Door frame dimensions

Author: SuperGreenLab
Credit: SuperGreenLab

Door frame dimensions

Now we can adjust the doors dimensions.
To do so we have three variables:

  • doorFrameHorizontalMargin: that’s the margin on the right and left sides of the door.
  • doorFrameTopMargin: the available space above the growing space, make it bigger to add other devices, like a co2 bottle maybe?
  • doorFrameBottomMargin: the available space in the lower space of the box. You can make it bigger if you are planning to do a hydroponic box.
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Door dimensions

Author: SuperGreenLab
Credit: SuperGreenLab

Door dimensions

Now we can customize the door size.
The door is made of two planks attached together, a thick one and a thinner one.
The inner thick one is determined by the previous step measures.
The two variables are:

  • doorHorizontalInnerEdge
  • doorVerticalInnerEdge
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LED spacing and positioning

Author: SuperGreenLab
Credit: SuperGreenLab

LED spacing and positioning

Now that we’ve changed all kind of parameters we might need to adjust the position of the panels.
By default the sides of the box are attached with three points. But you might need to change that.
We have three variables for that:

  • verticalHolesSpacing: Spacing between the holes.
  • nVerticalHoles: Number of holes, unfortunately the tool as its limitations, so you will have to change that in the design sketches too (detailed in the next step).
  • verticalHolesOffset:By default the holes are aligned around the center of the side’s height. This can be an issue if you changed the lower or upper margin. Use this variable to move the holes up or down.
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LED spacing and positioning bis

Author: SuperGreenLab
Credit: SuperGreenLab

LED spacing and positioning bis

In the previous step we talked about the nVerticalHoles variable.
As said the tool doesn’t allow to change this value automatically like the other dimensions.
So we need to do this change manually.
To do so:

  • Open the document at design/laser/structure/side
  • Double click the “Sketch 1” in the left column.
  • Locate the little “3x” on one of the sides. Double click it, change the value, press enter to save the change.
  • Click the green check in the “Sketch 1” window to save & close
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Guides to see next

How to assemble a SuperGreenBox

Since the beginning of SuperGreenLab the plan was to release a complete box. Just plug & play.
But since shipping complete furniture worldwide is not an easy and cheap task, we resorted to selling the electronics alone, so people could DIY their own.
Well, guess what we’re back at it!
Let me introduce to you, the SuperGreenBox.
It’s downloadable, easy to produce locally (google “laser cutting shop”), and easy to assemble.
No more power tools to use, no holes to make, no nothing. Just follow the guide and start growing😎

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