Welcome to the website guide of the Eket V2 build video guide.
With two separate chambers this build can do continuous supply in a very small package.
This guide is done with a small and a big eket, but you could do it with two large ones to allow longer vegging, in this case you can do the second eket for vegging with just 2 panels instead of 4.
The normal power usage for this build is below 50w total, which means less than $5/month for veg (4€) and $3/month in bloom (3€).
The new cardboard compression chamber of the blower allows for a quieter build and makes the carbon filter setup much simpler.
(The attachements below are also downloadable throughout the guide)
Ok, the ventilation unit is made; here's how to** install it and the carbon filter too!**
Selected region:
Click to change
So anyway, I started blasting
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Roughing up a surface for better adhesiveness
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Simple and efficient
You'll need the pattern again this time with the offset (remember the piece you cut off?)
You can also reuse the first pattern by taping back the previously cut strip if you kept it :)
This time cut around the outer line (red line); this is the offset to place the ventilation unit correctly.
You can also reuse the first pattern by taping back the previously cut strip if you kept it :)
By now I'm sure you've got this!
It's double sided tape time!
That's where the blower will be 👌
If you check behind you'll see why there's an offset.
This will help you place the ventilation unit in the correct spot.
There are a couple methods to do this:
if you don't have a hole saw to make a big hole; you can drill many smaller holes.
Using a hole saw is a bit scarier but the result is much cleaner.
Drill a couple holes in the lower back corners for fresh air intake.
For a small space like the eket making holes is enough for the intake; it doesn't need active intake.
It's an optional step but helps prevent dust and pests from getting in there.
Best use black for added light proofing.
It's indeed much simpler to do it before attaching the blower like we did.
A dull end object like the butt of a pencil is a good tool to help push.
Start by sanding the surface a bit, then place the ventilation unit on the marks you traced previously.
Make sure to put glue all around the exhaust hole for a good seal** 👌**
Glue the carbon filter on the back of the cabinet on top of the exhaust hole.
Make sure to glue all around it to avoid leaks.
Now is the time to put a brain in the box!
First purpose of the controller is to setup lighting schedules to simulate sunrise and sunset at the right time, and control your plants' phase.
Because keeping an eye on temperature and humidity is important for optimal growth, the controller sends all the info to the app for on-the-go monitoring.