Welcome to the website guide of the Eket V2 build video guide.
With two separate chambers this build can do continuous supply in a very small package.
This guide is done with a small and a big eket, but you could do it with two large ones to allow longer vegging, in this case you can do the second eket for vegging with just 2 panels instead of 4.
The normal power usage for this build is below 50w total, which means less than $5/month for veg (4€) and $3/month in bloom (3€).
The new cardboard compression chamber of the blower allows for a quieter build and makes the carbon filter setup much simpler.
(The attachements below are also downloadable throughout the guide)
Because plants in veg don't have that characteristic smell yet and more like a green grassy smell; the filter is optional/ can be added later on.
There is only one LED panel in the small eket veg box, which produces very little heat - for colder climates setting the fan at the lowest speed and providing some extra heat will be appreciated by your plant.
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Make precise cuts; avoid your fingers
Great Tool For Trimming, Deburring Chiseling, Carving, Cutting and Other Hobby Craftwork;Hardened St
So anyway, I started blasting
Hot Melt Glue Gun is a tool for sticking Package That Can Be Used Easily,
Don't just come hobbies DI
Simple and efficient
Expand your grow with another chamber
Looking to expand your grow?
An extra chamber allows you to do a perpetual harvest by having plants
Same as for the main eket;
the sensor is the biggest connector you'll need to get through so drill accordingly.
Same as the first one; print and stick the pattern in the top right corner - then drill the hole(s).
Sand before gluing.
Hot glue will stick much better on a rough area.
Don't forget to wipe off the dust before gluing.
Insert the cables for the blower, sensor, and LED.
It's much simpler to pass all the cables before gluing the ventilation unit in place.
Make sure to have hot glue all around the hole for a good seal.
Gluing all around the filter creates a good seal that forces all air to go through the filter.
Again, roughing-up the surface with sandpaper before gluing helps it stick better.
Drill some holes in the bottom left corner of back wall to allow fresh air to come in.
You can add a layer of dust filter to prevent dust and pests 👌
Aaaaand now we're back for another cardboard craft;
the point of this one is to keep a small gap between the led panel and the surface behind.
This will help with heat dissipation from the panel.